Monday, December 20, 2010

EAI Business Services

I have listed down the business services which we often use during integration and each developer should be aware of. I will each in detail in my next posts

  1. EAI Siebel Adapter,
  2. EAI XML Converter
  3. EAI XML Queuing Service
  4. EAI XML Write to File
  5. EAI XML Read from File
  6. EAI XSLT Service
  7. Transcode Service
  8. PRM ANI Utility Service
  9. Workflow Utilities
  10. FINS Industry XML Query Service
  11. EAI Data Transformation Engine
  12. EAI Dispatch Service
  13. EAI File Transport
  14. Server Requests
If you have understanding of services mentioned above , i believe you are good to work on EAI.
I have not specified the entire list of transport business services.

You can also refer Siebel Essentials for other business service such as Data Validation Manager , Server Requests etc.

Please feel free to add the important business services missed, if any in the list.

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