Sunday, December 19, 2010

Integration Object (IO)

Integration Object is very well defined in Siebel Bookshelf. I will stress on little bit basics and areas which are either usually ignored by reader and are very important for EAI interviews.

Integration Object defines the structure of Business Object , like XSD defines for XML.

Often we get confuse with integration object and integration object instance, Integration object instance is data within the structure or data in the structure of the integration object. For example XML structure without data (Integration Object) and XML with data (Integration Instance). Siebel provides an Wizard to help you create Integration Object.

Integration Object instance is provided as input to Workflow/Business service as shown below.

IO can be of two types

1) Internal Integration Object - Define the structure of Business Objects within Siebel.Query for Data Object Type property as Business Object in siebel tools on Integration Object definition to retrieve Internal IO's.

2) External Integration Object - Defines the structure of Outside/External system with whom siebel is interacting with.Query for Data Object Type property as XML in siebel tools on Integration Object definition to retrieve External IO's.

Practical Things about Integration Objects

Lets take a scenario described above and also copied same below

In above diagram, Opportunity is Child BC of Contact having M:M relationship , Business Address and Position are MVG on Contact BC.

1) User properties Association on the integration component denote that the corresponding business component is an associated or child business component and has M;M relationship with parent business component. For example for Contact IO Opportunity is child BC and has user property association set to Y as it has M:M relationship with contact.

2) User properties MVGAssociation on the integration component denote that the corresponding business component is an MVG and have M;M relationship with parent business component. For example for Contact IO Business address has user property MVGAssociation set as Y as they have M:M relationship. Importantly all the integration components fields of MVG integration component in this case business address has only fields defined which are available in multivalue field of contact BC.

3) User property MVG is used in case parent has only 1:M relationship with MVG as contact has with alternate phone.

4) For fields that are defined on MVG associations, External Name denotes the name of the business component field as it appears on the parent business component, and the user property AssocFieldName denotes the name of the business component field as it appears on the MVG business component.

5) If an integration component field is created for a Siebel business component field, and the business component field is based on a picklist, has a user property with the name PICKLIST and a value of Y otherwise; the Object Manager does validation

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