Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Difference Between EAI Converters - 2

In continuation to my previous blog to understand the IO, Property set and XML mapping, I am sharing one of the examples oracle has provided.

Let’s draw a table to identify the difference between the converters mentioned in previous blog:

EAI XML Converter
EAI IO To XML   Hierarchy Converter
XML Hierarchy Converter
XML Converter
Input/Internal Representation
Siebel Message (Integration Object Instance)
Siebel Message (Integration Object Instance)
XML Hierarchy
Property Set Hierarchy
Output/External   Representation
XML Document
XML Hierarchy
XML Document
XML Document
Integration Object Definition
Integration Object Definition
Translation Rules
Translation Rules(Optional)

Let’s discuss each one of them in detail:

Figure below explains the simple workflow being used to send the xml message from Siebel to External System.

EAI XML Converter

Converts the output of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service to an XML document or the other way round . It should be used whenever integration object definition is available.EAI XML Converter understands the Siebel Envelope and validates the data against the IO.

Input Message Provided to EAI XML Converter

Output Message of EAI XML Converter

EAI Integration Object to XML Hierarchy Converter.

This business service is used to convert  the Siebel message/IO message to XML Hierarchy message  or from Siebel message to PSHierarchy Message and vice versa.

Input Message Provided to BS

Output Message of  BS method IntObjHierToXMLHier (XML Hierarchy message)

Output Message of  BS method IntObjHierToPSHier (Property Set Hierarchy message)

XML Hierarchy Converter 

This does not use integration object definitions. It expects  input property sets of type  "XMLHierarchy". It can have child property set of type "ProcessingInstructions" to tell the XML Hierarchy Converter what to do along with actual message.

The XML Hierarchy Converter is typically used for conversion from/to XML documents that do not have a relation to integration objects nor the typical Siebel Message envelope.

 Input Message Provided to XML Hierarchy Converter

Output Message of  XML Hierarchy  Converter

XML Converter 

It does not use integration objects nor does it expect/set the type of the input/output property sets. It simply converts an XML document into a property set and vice versa.

Input Message Provided to XML Converter

Output Message of  XML Converter

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