Sunday, September 2, 2012

Single Applet Editable in One & ReadOnly in Other View

Single applet can be made editable in one view and read only in other without cloning the applet and also without using FieldReadOnlyField at business component level.

FieldReadOnlyField property can be anyhow used but in case if fields on applets are more in number then it’s not feasible to use so many user properties.

For BC which is based on CSSBCCBase Class, user property Aspect BC ReadOnly can be used.

Steps for Configuration:

1)    Login to Siebel tools, navigate to Business Component is Object Explorer and query for BC on which applet is based. For example let’s use Contact.
2)    Create a Calculate Field on the BC as specified:

Calculated Value
Force Active
Make Read Only
IIF([Id] IS NULL , “N” , “Y”)

3)     Add a user property to Business component with following values.

Aspect BC ReadOnly: ReadOnly
Make Read Only

4)    Create a new Applet User Property.

View Aspect
Contact Detail View

5)    Compile the modified objects both business component and applet.
6)    To test the configuration login to Siebel application and navigate to Contact Detail View and applet appears to be Read Only whereas in other views its editable.

In case Business component is not based on CSSBCCBase and applet is having large number of fields. Rather than adding so many FieldReadOnlyField user properties in business component clone the existing applet and mark all columns read only at applet.

Let’s assume I need to make applet read only based on status of entity. When status is active all fields (40 fields) apart from status should become read only.

After navigate to Applets in OLE and query for original applet and add the cloned applet(with all fields marked as read only apart from status) to applet toggle as described.

Auto Toggle Field
Auto Toggle Value
Cloned Applet

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