Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Difference Between EAI Converters

Most of us get confused while using an xml converter which converter to go for.

Let’s see first what options we have.

1) EAI XML converter
2) EAI Integration Object to XML Hierarchy converter
3) XML hierarchy converter
4) Property Set Converter.

I have spoken to lots of EAI developers and interviewed many and never got very convincing or would say practical answer of this.

Before actually jumping on converters let’s talk about different type of messages:

1) Integration Object Hierarchy
2) XML Hierarchy
3) PropertySet Hierarchy

To explain the type of messages I have taken an example of Contact message with address as child of contacts. Let’s see how these messages will appear.

I have created a diagram on paper to explain different messages. Please bear with me for writing :).

So what we understood from diagram is

1) For Integration Object Message we always need an Integration Object Definition (see my previous post for detailed explanation.) And Name of IO will appear in Message as a property of Siebel Envelope.

2) XML Hierarchy Message will always have a XML Hierarchy as parent XML element of actual message. So in second block you will see that message is child of XML hierarchy element.

3) All messages (IO message, Xml Hierarchy Message) are property set Messages as they are child of Property Set Element.

Taking diagram as reference point Let me draw a table to clarify how IC fields , property set and  xml elements/tags and attributes are mapped.

Integration Object
XML Hierarchy
Property Set
Integration Components(Contact and Contact_address)
Property Set
Var Contact = TheApplication().NewPropertySet
Var ContactAddresses = TheApplication().NewPropertySet
Integration Component field
Last Name and First Name are fields of contact IC
XML Attributes
<LastName and FirstName are attributes of Contact>
Properties within propertyset.

 Please see my next blog for detailed description of converters.

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