Sunday, September 2, 2012

Enhancements in Siebel 8.x

  • Actuate have been replaced by BI – In Siebel version 8.1.0 both options (Setting the System Preference ReportEngineType to BOTH)are available whereas in Siebel 8.1.1 only BI is available.
  • eScript Engine with enhanced features – T eScript engine has been replaced with ST eScript engine in Siebel 8.0.It provides enhancements including strong typing of variables, and the Script Assist utility and the Fix and Go feature

§  Strong Typing of variables – In Siebel 8.0 and above variable can be binded to specific data type and it will only store that type of value where in previous versions variables assumed the type of value assigned to them.
§  The Fix and Go option makes script testing more efficient by allowing scripts to be edited and the debugging process to continue without having to recompile the script after each change.
§  Script Assist accesses the definitions of objects in the repository and displays relevant functions, methods and properties available, making development easy.
  • Other Script enhancements --

§  String charAt() Method, String.fromCharCode() Static Method are added.
§  GetSortSpec added as new Bus Comp Method. 
§  Applet user property CanInvokeMethod can be used instead of the PreCanInvokeMethod() event to enable and disable applet methods.
§  Business service functions can be called directly from anywhere within the scripting interface after a business service is declared by using Script Assist script libraries.
  • Oracle Universal Installer for Developer/Mobile Web Client and Siebel- More user friendly tool for installation has been provided.
  • Tasks Based UI – It  assists users by reducing navigational complexity, automatically executing decision logic, presenting data and descriptive information when and where it is needed during an activity or interaction, and enforcing standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Haley Rule Engine
  • Tools enhancement

§  Expression builder for search spec, sort spec, value for user prop.
§  No need to explicitly activate the workflow, publish/activate can be done with just one click.
§  Multiple WF can be activated simultaneously
§  New Radio Button as applet control.
§  Applet and Bus Comp User Prop available as pick list which effectively reduces time to find syntax.
§  Allows display of a custom message when BC field's validation property is violated (Message Display Mode)
  • Enhanced Audit Trail engine:

§  Audit Trial is being moved to Application from Siebel tools. Can be configured by navigating to "Administration - Audit Trail" screen.
§  Auditing is enabled for Read, Export , Update , Delete operation whereas only Update and Delete was available in previous versions.
§  No Srf Compile required for any modifications.
§  Audit Trail rules Can be imposed on Siebel Remote as well
§  Enabled activated against Users, Positions, Responsibilities and child BusComp.
§  Now available for all Bus Comp -- v/s -- CSSBCBase only
  • Application Deployment Manager – It has been significantly enhanced in Siebel 8.0.Lot of improvements has been carried out for deployment performance.

§  Can migrate additional data types/objects, Examples:
§  Lists of Values (LOVs)
§  User Lists
§  Assignment Rules
§  Access Groups
§  And many other data types
§  Repository customizations made in Siebel Tools
§  Web Template files (.SWT)
§  Image and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files
§  Siebel Repository file (.SRF)
§  Reports files
  • New Vertical Siebel Industry Applications (SIA) and new Horizontal Siebel Business Applications (SBA) has been released
For all the Siebel 8.X featured refer to the following link:

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