Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This has come to notice that whenever Siebel Releases a new Version of Application.There has been a change of Siebel Data Model some base tables gets deactivated and some of the EIM table mapping gets changed or become deactivated, certain columns, tables and user keys changes.

Though Siebel publishes these changes but when the difference of Application version is large it becomes difficult to find these changes.Specially when an upgrade has happened upgrading the Interface becomes a challenge or whenever we have two repositories available and we need to determine the Data Model Difference .

Siebel provided out of box UTLEIMDIFF utility can be used to find EIM mapping differences between two repositories.

      Prerequisite - Create the view S_EIM_MAP_V in the database. The independent script for 
      creating this view is called create_EIM_MAP_V.sql. This script can be found in the directory
      <dbrsvr>\common directory. 
 Find the executable UTLEIMDIFF.EXE in the <tools>\bin directory.Use the below mentioned parameters for running this utility.

Siebel username
Siebel password
[table owner]
Database table owner
“[new Siebel
Required. Name of the new repository.
NOTE: Enclose the repository name in quotation marks.
“[old Siebel repository]”
Required. Name of the old repository.
NOTE: Enclose the repository name in quotation marks.
[input filename]
This file contains the list of EIM tables to be compared.
The default input file (eim_tbl_lst.inp) is in the
<tools>\bin directory.
You can edit this file.
[report filename]
Required. This is the output report. The default name is eim_diff.txt.
[log filename]
The default name is eim_diff.log.

 The execution time will depend on the total no of tables getting analyze this might take some time.

Command for Execution:

utleimdiff.exe /u [username] /p [password] /c [Server Name]r /d [table owner] /n “[new Siebel  repository]”/o “[old Siebel repository]” /i [input filename] /m [[report filename]] /l [[log filename]]
Log file to be use to debug failure if any. Report file will contain the generated file containing details of the mapping .Once you run the command you will see some below steps.

Connecting to the database...
Disconnecting from the database.

Once you have executed this the Output of EIM difference Utility contains three major areas.

Part 1 compares all the EIM tables in the two repositories as 

The first column of each part is the repository name. If there is an entry in one repository but not the other, then that means that the entry exists in one repository but not the other.

Part 2 compares the EIM tables listed in the input file.

 If the same entry appears in both repositories, then that means that the entry has been modified.


The third and very important section compares the interface columns for the tables listed in the input file. “UK” means “User Key sequence.” “Req'd” indicates that the column in the base table is required.

Friends you need to see the file by clicking the following link.


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