Saturday, September 8, 2012

Modifying Control Colors in Siebel

HTML tags are used in “Caption – String Override” property of Control to change the font color, background color, size of font and color of control on mouse over.
Let’s see the following scenarios and how can they be achieved.
  • Login to Siebel tools, Navigate to Applets in OBE.
  • Query for required form applet and select the control where modifications needs to be implemented

Changing the font and size of Control
Syntax: <font face="name of font" size=10 color='blue'> fieldname </font>

Changing the color of control on mouse over.
Syntax: <font onmouseover="style.color='yellow'" onmouseout="style.color='black'">fieldname</font>

Changing the background color  of control
Syntax:  <span style="background-color:green">fieldname</span>
<label style="background-color:green">fieldname</label>

Outcome of Above modifications

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